SLURM tasks

Support for the SLURM workload manager.

The hpc.slurm.sbatch task

This task allows to send ScriptEngine jobs to SLURM queues by providing the functionallity of the SLURM sbatch command to ScriptEngine scripts. The usage pattern is:

- hpc.slurm.sbatch:
    scripts: <SE_SCRIPT | LIST_OF_SE_SCRIPTS>  # optional
    hetjob_spec: <LIST_OF_SBATCH_OPTIONS>  # optional
    submit_from_sbatch: <true | false>  # optional, default False
    stop_after_submit:  <true | false>  # optional, default True
    set_jobid: <CONTEXT_NAME>  # optional

    <SBATCH_OPTIONS>  # optional

The main usage principle of hpc.slurm.sbatch is that a new batch job is created and sent into a SLURM queue. Once SLURM executes the job, one or more ScriptEngine scripts are run.

There are two ways to specify which scripts are run in the batch job. By default (no script argument is given), the batch job runs the script(s) given on the se command line. For example, if the following script (assumed name sbatch.yml):

- hpc.slurm.sbatch:
    account: <MY_SLURM_ACCOUNT>
    time: !noparse 0:10:00

- base.echo:
    msg: Hello world, from batch job!

is run with se sbatch.yml, a batch job will be queued, which eventually writes “Hello world, from batch job!” to the default job logfile. Using this default will be the desired behavior in most use cases. However, it is possible to have the batch job run a different script (or scripts) and not the initiall one, by specifying one or more other ScriptEngine scripts with the scripts arguments. More than one scripts have to specified as a list.

Most of the hpc.slurm.sbatch arguments will be passed right through to the sbatch command. Thus, in the above example, the command executed under the hood is:

sbatch --account MY_SLURM_ACCOUNT --time 0:10:00 se sbatch.yml

Only few arguments are processed by the hpc.slurm.sbatch task itself, see the usage pattern above. Thus, it is possible to use any sbatch argument, as long as they are valid long arguments (i.e. with the double dash syntax). Note that no checking is done for validity of the sbatch arguments and options!

An important principle of hpc.slurm.sbatch is that on the initial execution, it will stop the processing of the current script once the batch job is queued. Hence, when the above example script is run, a job is put in the batch queue (first task), but the base.echo task is not executed. When the script is run (again) from within the batch job, the hpc.slurm.sbatch task detects that it is in a batch job and does nothing. Therefore, the following echo task is run as part of the job.

Again, this behavior will be appropriate in most use cases. The script is run until the sbatch task, a job is queued and processing stops. Once the job is running, hpc.slurm.sbatch does nothing and all other tasks are run.

Sometimes, though, it makes sense to submit a batch job even if the current script already runs in a batch job itself. For example, one may want to queue a follow-on job at the end of the script. In order to do this, one needs to set:

- hpc.slurm.sbatch:
    submit_from_sbatch: true

If submit_from_sbatch is set to true a new job is queued, even if the current script is itself running in a batch job on its own.

A related switch is stop_after_submit, which defaults to True. If it is set to False the script will continue after a new SLURM job was submitted. If stop_after_submit is not explicitly set (or set to True) the script execution will be stopped, as described above.

Saving the SLURM JOBID

When the job submission via SLURM sbatch succeeds, it is possible to save the JOBID of the new job in the ScriptEngine context. For this, the set_jobid task argument can be set to a key for the context dictionary. If set_jobid is not given (or set to False), the JOBID is not stored in the context. Note that only simple context keys, no dot-separated values, are supported.


- hpc.slurm.sbatch:
    set_jobid: jobid
- base.echo:
    msg: "Submitted job with ID {{jobid}}."

SLURM Heterogeneous Job Support

The hpc.slurm.sbatch task support submitting heterogeneous SLURM jobs by providing the hetjob_spec option:

- hpc.slurm.sbatch:
    - time: 10
    - hetjob_spec:
        - nodes: 1
        - nodes: 2

- base.command:
    name: srun
    args: [
        --ntasks, 1, /usr/bin/hostname, ':',
        --ntasks, 10, --ntasks-per-node, 5, /usr/bin/hostname

In this example, a heterogeneous job with two components is submitted to SLURM, the first requesting one node and the second two nodes. The srun command in the second task of the script starts executables on this allocated nodes while specifying further job characteristics (such as the number of tasks and tasks per node).

The hetjob_spec argument takes a list of dictionaries and passes the keys of each dictionary on to sbatch as specification for each respective component of the heterogeneous job. Note that in the example above, each dictionary contains only one key-value pair, the number of requested nodes.